A Close Up Of A Person Cutting A Piece Of Paper
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Fort Wayne is home to an incredible group of artists who quite literally paint the town with their passion. From vibrant murals and arts campuses to museums like the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, this is a city that thrives on the inventiveness of imagination, and we channeled that same creativity into every piece of The Bradley.  

Elements from our local art community can be found from the lobby and restaurants to meeting rooms and guestrooms. When you step into the hotel, you step into the originality of the Fort Wayne art world.

A Person Standing In A Room


Fort Wayne native Julie Wall of the HEDGE studios brings pieces of Fort Wayne’s natural beauty into each of the guest rooms at The Bradley. With a background in fine arts and printmaking, Wall opened her fine art shop in 2013 handcrafting unique paper goods, printed on 100+ year old presses, statement jewelry from leather and retired skateboard decks, and more. She often hosts in-studio workshops so visitors can try their hand at creative practices like print making and embroidery. 

She has created custom letterpress prints of botanicals found in and around the city that are hand-carved out of linoleum blocks and imbue a taste of the city at first glance.  


On the first floor, the artistic experience is brought to life through a curated art gallery in partnership with a Purdue University Fort Wayne Department of Art and Design. The space will feature works, bi-annually, from current students, alumni and faculty of the school.

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