Her Take on Travel

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Travel is changing. Exploration is more accessible than ever, expanding the realm of opportunities for all travelers, especially women. To celebrate Women’s History Month and the ladies who inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries, we want to hear your perspectives and stories: Tell us about your travels to enter our #TravelLikeAWoman contest for a chance to win a two-night stay, $200 Visa gift card and a wardrobe rental from Armoire. Whether you adventured somewhere exotic or enjoyed a staycation in your hometown, we want to hear how you #TravelLikeAWoman. To enter, fill out the form linked here. For extra inspiration, we collected takes on travel from some of the wonderful women of Provenance Hotels. From working moms to friend trips and first experiences abroad, check out how they handle hitting the road.

 Couple hiking Machu PichuHiya, Martha – Revenue Manager, The Old No. 77 Hotel & Chandlery

“As a child when other little girls wanted to be ballerinas, I wanted to be Indiana Jones. I think where my passion for travel came from, enjoying things off the beaten path. I’ve never turned down a new adventure, no matter how much it frightened my Mom – ask her about that time I accidentally went to Somalia. I have traveled to over 40 countries and 5 continents, most of the time going solo. I’ve hiked the Inca Trail and seen 4 of the 7 wonders of the world, but don’t worry I will get to the rest. Travel ignites the soul in way that nothing else can and connects us to people. I think it shows us that the world isn’t as big as we think it is.” “My strategy for solo trips is to have a plan but follow it loosely. Meet locals and see what they love – I promise it will be better than your Lonely Planet travel guide. I hope more women continue to embrace going places alone. You learn more about yourself than you could ever imagine and become increasingly open to new experiences. I’m consistently impressed with how kind people truly are all over the world. People are always more willing to connect with you on a human level than you think. Traveling alone increases my confidence, I’m not afraid of spending time alone – travel has taught me to embrace it and see the beauty of experiencing something with no outside influence.” “Along with confidence, solo travel feeds knowledge and wisdom. I was recently asked where I’d live if I could be anywhere. Without a second thought I said “New Orleans” and it’s true. I’ve been to so many amazing places that I adored, which has granted me the knowledge to know there is truly no better place than NOLA.”

Martha, The Old No. 77 Hotel & Chandlery

 Woman in France taking selfieMeet Catherine – Executive Assistant, Provenance Hotels Corporate Office

“My first overseas travel was not until I was 48. 48! I went with 7 other women from my Portland social club. Our first night in Paris we went to an amazing restaurant. As we left, the street was empty and quiet except for the chatter of 8 women, tired from the flight but exquisitely happy on French wine. I snapped this pic as everyone was taking their own pictures on the street in Paris. I’ve seen the pictures that the ladies took behind me and it was delightful to see everyone’s different perspective of the same moment in time. Some were world travelers, I was a new traveler, but we were all together enjoying the moment as it was presented to us." “That is what I’ve learned is important when I #travellikeawoman – take the moment; appreciate where you are; lean into it. Learn something new. Challenge yourself. Talk to a local. Keep your journal handy. Travel is what YOU make it.” “I was surprised with how friendly people were – I was warned that the French hate when you attempt their language, but I had nothing but the most charming interactions with everyone I encountered. Same with the other countries I have now visited, which has helped me realize that I can travel on my own. I always had a fear of being alone but starting by traveling with a group, I found that I lost a lot of that fear of doing things alone. I’m now more comfortable being alone not just while traveling, but in my daily life.”

Catherine, Provenance Hotels

Group of happy girls laying on pillowsEnter Marie – General Manager, Hotel Preston

“Part of being in the hospitality industry is having a passion for travel.  One of my favorite cities to travel is New Orleans, I try to make it twice a year. I love the people, culture, food, and the overall feeling of being in NOLA, it’s definitely my second home.  Each year, myself and four of my friends take a trip somewhere. Last year I chose to share a city that is dear to my heart, NOLA, with my friends.  We’re all working women – Moms, wives, and superheroes.  We believe it’s important to set aside some girl time where we can channel our inner spirits by laughing and just being together for a weekend.  Friendships deserve nurturing, this is a big one. Friends are understanding, they just get it. And on top of that, they will never hold you back. There’s a certain sense of freedom that comes with our girls trips that makes them so impactful and important.” “In terms of tips, I suggest making an itinerary.  It seems “not-so” spontaneous, but it’s nice to have a plan so you can fit as many activities in the time you have. Plus, having a plan doesn’t mean you won’t get surprises too. What I wasn’t expecting was the physicality involved in traveling. On one of my trips I went to Teotihuacan, Mexico to see the Pyramid of the Sun.  I had the opportunity to climb it, but I thought it was too challenging. But I said to myself, “when’s the next time I’m going to climb a pyramid”? So, I gave it a good “YOLO” and started climbing. It was tough, but I did it and it felt so good!” “Soaking in other parts of the world has empowered me because I feel like I’m constantly learning about new cultures and ways of understanding people. Having the freedom to travel makes me feel like I can go anywhere and do anything. One of the best parts of exploring is allowing yourself the chance to try things you normally wouldn't. With your friends there, you're more likely than ever to be shoved out of your comfort zone.” “Traveling is like pressing a reset button. It gives your mind time to re-direct and refresh.  When you return home, your mind and body are ready to start again. And, when you plan for the next trip, it gives you something to look forward to.” 

Marie, Hotel Preston

 Woman with strollerHi there, Tiffany – Director of Sales, Hotel Theodore & Hotel Max

“Traveling like a woman who has a 4-month-old baby has drastically changed my perspective. I mean, I’m still nursing and pumping! I recently traveled via train from Seattle to Portland and had to pump both ways. When it comes to training's off property, I’ve gotten in the habit of packing an entire extra bag for all the products needed that day as well as making sure there’s a room to pump in ahead of meetings.” “In terms of tips I have for women traveling with a newborn, one is to research your company policies and support plans. See if they endorse using offerings like Milk Stork, who will ship your items if you’re traveling and need fresh milk daily. When it comes to packing, these are my essentials: bottle brush, soap, dish tub, extra parts, Ziploc bags, storage bags, date labels.” “It’s not easy to take space from your kiddo, but I did it! Legit did it! I spent 4 days away from my baby and was able to stay on top of her supplies and bring home food, all while maintaining a full time career.” 

Tiffany, Hotel Theodore & Hotel Max

 Woman running through canyonOh hey, Jay – Director of Marketing, Provenance Hotels Corporate Office

“My favorite way to travel is to find the most exotic place I can trail run, grab my best running gal pal and book a trip. As an ultra-runner, one of the destinations that has been on my “To Run List” for the longest time was Zion National Park & Bryce Canyon in Utah. Just a short plane ride from Portland to Salt Lake, followed by a drive to the middle of nowhere – a desert oasis of sand, canyons and huge rock formations awaits.” “It can be quite daunting to climb into a car without a real plan on accommodation or destination. Our only real goal was to run 50 miles through the deserts of Utah and since it’s also a tourist destination, finding a hotel for a week was basically out of the question. Using Google Maps, we plotted our route and found a camp site. We woke up early to hit the first trails in Zion and 10 minutes into the trail the tourists started to dwindle until we were alone deep in the canyons of Zion National Park.” “Each day was better than the last until we finally ran through Bryce Canyon. Leaving a parking lot full of busses and travelers, we wound our way through cathedrals of rocks and columns to once again find ourselves alone and free.” “Being a woman doesn’t hinder me from taking these crazy adventures out in the wild alone, the same way it doesn’t stop men. We don’t get held to the same standards as they do in regards to these kinds of trips, so by sharing my trail running experiences I hope that other women out there find the courage to do the same.” 

Jay, Provenance Hotels

 Little girl sitting on rail tracksWhat’s up, Toña? – Complex Conference Service Manager, Hotel Theodore & Hotel Max

“My love affair with travel started when I was very young. Ultimately, it began with my mother and her commitment to making sure I saw the beauty of the world and the people we loved who didn’t live close to us, no matter how little money we had in the bank. She made it work somehow, and I was wholeheartedly up for any adventure she wanted to take me on. My mother has trained horses for her entire adult life, and it’s been her sole income source for the duration as well. More importantly, it’s her sole source of passion and her true love.” “On my own journey to find my true love, I’ve dabbled in many things, only to find that what I was looking for was with me all along: my love of exploring the world and an intense need to see and experience everything I can. This has informed my entire existence in one way or another, even when I wasn’t fully aware of it.” “It’s taken me to Australia, where I got to perform with my cheerleading squad and feel like I was famous, and to central Mexico, where my dad’s side of the family is from. It’s even how I ended up here, working in hospitality & tourism, where I get to be a part of so many people’s travel experiences.” “My travel story begins with birth and will eventually end when I leave this earthly plane. This story is my life. I am no longer a citizen of the town I grew up in or even the city I live in now. I am a citizen of the world and grateful for everywhere I’ve been and everywhere I will go.” “I’ll leave you with this last statement, which is as much for me as it is for you: just do it, don’t wait; the time to travel is now!” 

Toña, Hotel Theodore & Hotel Max