Illuminators Share: Why We're Thankful in Portland

Thankful to be in the city of Portland

We're thankful for so many things here at Dossier. Chief among them? Living in Portland. But don't take our word for it. We turned to two of our Illuminators to see what they're thankful for here in Portland.

Hilary Horvath - Founder, Hilary Horvath Flowers


Florist Hilary Horvath is the mastermind behind one of our favorite shops in all of Portland. She is "thankful for all the flower growers in the Pacific Northwest and for all my customers who appreciate these offerings and support us." Beyond that, she's also "grateful to work with beautiful, local product and to provide the service of bringing flowers into people’s lives."

Ravi Kroesen, Head Teamaker, Smith Teamaker


After ten years of living on the East Coast, Kroesen has returned to his hometown of Portland, where he now serves as the new head teamaker at Smith Teamaker. "I am very happy to be back in Portland to be together again with family and friends," he says. "Portland is a special place that nurtures people and the crafts they pursue, allowing them to do their best and not deny the inherent creative nature that is behind the work. And for this muse, I am thankful."