Meet Chloe Duplessis, Old No. 77 Hotel’s Artist in Residence

Adrienne C. Moore Wearing Sunglasses Taking A Selfie

From June 8th - 15th, the Old No.  77 Hotel will welcome Denver-based Contemporary artist, curator and Negro Stories creator Chloe Duplessis. A legally blind digital collage artist, Chloe's work has been celebrated for its stirring imagery and extraordinary ability to illuminate history and foster collective healing.

A Person Standing In Front Of A Mirror Posing For The Camera

Art by Chloe' Duplessis

A Louisiana native, Chloe earned a Bachelor's degree in Cultural Studies from The University  New Orleans, and has also studied art, history and culture at the prestigious Charles University  in Prague, Czech Republic.

With over twenty years of experience in intercultural engagement, advocacy and arts administration, she’s visited 9 countries and 21 states in support of her work. Inspired by her desire to facilitate intentional opportunities for education and creative expression, Chloe presents exhibitions annually and offers virtual courses on art, history and cultural capacity -building.

One of such exhibitions is the nationally recognized Negro Stories, which examines American history and the concepts of collective trauma and healing through the lens of racial discrimination. "For too long, racism and systemic oppression have been viewed as a problem strictly of the oppressed," shares Chloe. "Racism affects us all. We all have a Negro story, and in order to heal, we have to address our history and our issues ... together."

Chloe considers it an honor to present her work in the city that she once called home. Her Negro Stories showcase will begin on Saturday, June 12th from 5-7pm and will include light refreshments as well as opening remarks and a presentation of the works.

We can’t wait to welcome her and see the incredible ideas that she brings to life during her time at the Old No. 77 Hotel.