Introducing photographer Marcus Morris.

Meet Our Latest Roaming Creative – Artist in Residence

A Man Looking At The Camera

We’re delighted to welcome photographer Marcus Morris to The Old No. 77 as our next Artist in Residence from May 21st to May 28th. During his adventures in New Orleans, Marcus will capture stories of the locals and tourists that he encounters via a series of portraits. Read on to get to know him a little more.

Born and raised in Ohio, Marcus attended The Columbus College of Art & Design then went on to study Art and Photography at The Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. A portrait photographer and creative producer to his core, Marcus’s work centers around the beauty of queer people and performers. He’ll be attending The Ohio State University in the Fall of 2021 and is currently researching a thesis project focused on Black and Queer identity in Appalachia. “I’m hoping to work on a narrative photo essay that explores my Black and queer identity in that specific region,” says Marcus. “The project will be shot in historic Kilvert, Ohio, and explore my family history as well as reflect on 20th Century pop culture icons like David Bowie, Madonna, Tina Turner and Josephine Baker as a means of escapism in the Rust Belt.”

A Person Posing For The Camera

Photo by Marcus Morris on Instagram

In our chats, Marcus also told us about his recent talk in Michigan. “In April, I spoke to LGBT youth at Patch & Remington, which is an arts space dedicated to arts and community in the nearby rural areas. As my thesis work will take place in rural Ohio, I was excited to connect with folks outside larger cities regarding experimental creativity.”

What are his hopes and dreams for his upcoming residency at Old No. 77, you ask? “I hope to find my muse during my residency in New Orleans. I’m influenced by the works of Richard Avedon, Gordon Parks and Philip Lorca DiCorcia and aim to show a true slice of the people I encounter in the city. My dream would be to find a subject so inspiring that I take enough photographs to spark a larger project, which would then lead to another trip here to make even more art.”

Learn more about Marcus and his moving works through his Instagram or /.